The software I use is Paint Shop Pro and it's been rather hard to learn. Many parts of it are so difficult for me to understand that I haven't even touched them. But I've limped along for a few years and occasionally manage to spit out a page I think is not so bad.
For the past two weeks or so I have been doing some intense sorting of thousands of the little graphics which go into this hobby. I have found myself spending more time (and money) on these than actually using them. After looking at them lately and thinking how marvelous are these little pieces of artwork that have been created by others, that I decided to actually put together a page!
This is for Naomi when she was about 18 months old. I decided it needed two pages to do the "story" justice. The journaling is below the picture in case it's hard to read on your computer.

"After falling a few times, you decided that playing in the snow was not very much fun!"

" Always your hero, your big brother Jeff steps in to take your hand and guide you to safer ground"
Naomi's little "thought bubble" says: I love my brother. He's always been a sucker for a pretty face!